Nigdje Nikog Nemam
Have I None

Radnja drame “Nigdje nikog nemam” postavljena je u postapokaliptičnom društvu gdje su emocije, sjećanja i empatija zabranjeni. Autorski tim fokus predstave usmjerava na negiranje genocida, kolektivnu krivicu, veličanje ratnih zločinaca i odbijanje suočavanja s prošlošću.
“Verujem da je i Edward Bond u strepnji za bolju budućnost pisao ovaj Orvelovski komad. Pisao ga je da upozori svoje gledaoce šta ih čeka ako se opuste i prepuste svoju volju nekom diktatoru, jer diktatura je način života. To je i vjera i škola i porodica i umjetnost i znanje i zdravlje i vojska… I šta sve ne! Diktatura je diktatura u svemu! Toga se plašio Bond kada je ovo djelo pisao i pokušao da nas upozori da se ne damo zavesti slatkim pričama nego da se uzdamo u svoj sistem zaključivanja i da ga što više usavršavamo. Govori se o strahu malograđana, govori se o bolesti odnosa u kući i u porodici, o bolesti odnosa u muško-ženskoj komunikaciji, o strahu pred autoritetom koji krnji svaki korak ka komunikaciji”. – Alban Ukaj, reditelj.
Nakon izvedbi predstave, realizovani su razgovori sa rediteljem, glumcima i publikom.

The plot of the drama “Have I None” has been set in a post-apocalyptic society where emotions, memories, and empathy are forbidden. The focus of the play is aimed at denying genocide, collective guilt, glorifying war criminals, and refusing to face the past.
“I believe that Edward Bond was also in fear for a better future when he was writing this Orwellian play. He wrote it to warn his viewers what awaits them if they relax and leave their will to a dictator because a dictatorship is a way of life. It is a religion and school and family and art and knowledge and health and military… And what not! A dictatorship is a dictatorship in everything! That’s what Bond was afraid of when he wrote this piece and tried to warn us not to be seduced by sweet stories but to rely on our reasoning and to perfect it as much as possible. There is talk about the fear of petty bourgeoisie, there is talk about sick relationships at home and in a family, about sick relationships in male-female communication, about fear in the face of authority that damages every step towards communication”. – Alban Ukaj, director.
After the play, Q&A sessions were organized with the actors, the director, and the audience.


Reditelj/Director: Alban Ukaj
Uloge/Cast: Snežana Bogićević, Jasenko Pašić, Alban Ukaj
Muzička kompozicija i izvedba/ Music composition and performance: Basheskia & Edward EQ
Dramaturgija/Dramaturgy: Bojana Vidosavljević
Kostimografija/Costume designer: Lena Samardžić
Scenografija/scenography: Mirna Ler
Projekcije/Projections: Emina Kujundžić
Izvršna produkcija/Executive producer: Ishak Jaliman
Producenti/Producers: Narcisa Cvitanović, Aleš Kurt
Produkcija/Production: KONTAKT, Sarajevski Ratni Teatar
Partner/Partners: Forum ZFD Bosnia and Herzegovina
Podrška/Supported by: Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Fond otvoreno društvo Bosna i Hercegovina/Open Society Fund BiH

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