
Teatarski performans „Welcome“ je nastao istraživanjem grupe umjetnika na temu izbjeglištva s ciljem da preispita naš intimni odnos prema sudbinama onih koje nazivamo izbjeglicama. Kao društvo prošli smo iskustvo rata i izbjeglištva, što nam daje jedinstven pogled i odgovornost prema temi koja, nažalost, ne prestaje biti aktuelna.
Performans “Welcome” koristi vodu kao medij. Voda Olimpijskog bazena postaje projekciono platno, Sredozemno more, obala Grčke, obala Turske, kukuruzno polje, granica, postat će i evropska metropola, pruga, naše dvorište, postat će Pariz, Berlin, Hamburg, Rim, Istanbul, Atena, Alep i Sarajevo.
Na 58. Međunarodnom teatarskom Festivalu MESS, performans WELCOME nagrađen je: Specijalnom nagradom žirija, Nagradom publike za najbolju predstavu Festivala i Special mention žirija medijskog sponzora Radio Sarajevo.

The theatre performance “Welcome” was created by a group of artists exploring the topic of refugeeism aiming to reassess our intimate relationship with the fate of the people we call refugees. As a society, we have been through the experience of war and refugeeism which gives us a unique view and responsibility towards this topic that is still unfortunately current.
The performance “Welcome” uses water as a medium. The water of the Olympic pool becomes a projection canvas, the Mediterranean Sea, the coast of Greece, the coast of Turkey, a cornfield, a border, then a European metropolis, a railway, our own backyard as well as Paris, Berlin, Hamburg, Rome, Istanbul, Athens, Aleppo, and Sarajevo.
On the 58th International Theater Festival MESS performance WELCOME was awarded with Special Regard of the jury, The audience award for the best performance of the 58th MESS Festival, and the Special Mention – by the media sponsor Radio Sarajevo.


Reditelj/Director: Nermin Hamzagić
Uloge/Cast: Maja Izetbegović, Boris Ler, Sanin Milavić, Ermin Bravo, Amar Selimović
Dramaturgija/Dramaturgy: Asja Krsmanović
Muzika/Music: Enes Zlatar
Kostimografija/Costume design: Vanja Ciraj, Irma Saje
Scenografija/Scenography: Adisa Vatreš Selimović
Dizajn/Design: Enes Huseinčehajić
Video i animacija/Video § animation: Redžinald Šimek
Fotografija/Photography: Velija Hasanbegović
Tehnički direktor/Technical director: Gianluca Tomassela
Izvršni producent/Executive producer: Kerim Mašović
Producenti/Producer: Narcisa Cvitanovic, Alban Ukaj
Produkcija/Production: KONTAKT
Partneri: Olimpijski bazen Sarajevo, Internacionalni Teatarski Festival MESS
Podrška: Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Fond otvoreno društvo BiH, Ministarstvo kulture i sporta Kantona Sarajevo, Fondacija za muzičke, scenske i likovne umjetnosti
Partners: Olympic Pool Sarajevo, International Theatre Festival MESS
Supported by: Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Open Society Fund Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ministry of Culture and Sports of Canton Sarajevo, Foundation for Music, Performing and Fine Arts

Udruženje za podsticanje i istraživanje izvedbenih umjetnosti u BiH
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