Suočavanje s prošlošću
Dealing with the Past

Suočavanje s prošlošću je program kojim KONTAKT nastoji uspostaviti otvoreni dijalog u BiH i u zemljama regiona među ljudima i zajednicama pogođenim ratnim traumama bilo direktno, bilo kroz ustaljeni narativ prošlih generacija. Predstave i filmovi prikazani u sklopu ovog programa praćeni su razgovorima autora sa publikom i razmjenom ličnih utisaka i iskustava. Cilj nam je podsticanje publike, sa posebnim akcentom na mlade, da preuzmu aktivniju ulogu u životu svojih zajednica kako bi u budućnosti postali nosioci izgradnje mira i vladavine prava u svojim zemljama.
Kontakt je u okviru programa Suočavanje s prošlošću surađivao s Inicijativom mladih za ljudska prava BiH i Srbija, UWC Mostar, Gimnazijom Mostar, OKC Abrašević Mostar, Mrežom za izgradnju mira, JU Centar za djecu i omladinu Novo Sarajevo, Udruženjem „Pogon“, Akademijom scenskih umjetnosti Sarajevo, Udruženjem „Oštra Nula“ Banja Luka, UNDP Srbija, We Balkans –

Partner: Forum ZFD BiH
Podrška: Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Dealing With the Past is a program KONTAKT created to open a dialogue in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in countries of the region as well, between people and communities affected with war trauma, either directly or through common narratives of the past generations. Theatre plays or film screenings presented through this program are followed by Q&A sessions with authors and audience and exchange of their own impressions and personal experiences. Our goal is to encourage the audience, with a strong emphasis on youth, to take more active roles in their communities so they would become future cornerstones in building our society on ideas of peace and rule of law.
Within Dealing with the Past program, KONTAKT collaborated with Youth Initiative for Human Rights B&H and Serbia, UWC Mostar, Gymnasium Mostar, Youth Cultural Centre Abrašević Mostar, Network for Building Peace, Public Institution Center for Children and Youth Novo Sarajevo, Association “Pogon”, Academy of Performing Arts Sarajevo, Association “Oštra Nula” Banja Luka and UNDP Serbia.

Partner: Forum ZFD BiH
Supported by: Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Udruženje za podsticanje i istraživanje izvedbenih umjetnosti u BiH
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