Festival Female Art Rising je međunarodni kulturno – umjetnički festival, osnovan od strane Udruženja Kontakt, s ciljem stvaranja snažne platforme koja promoviše rad žena umjetnica. Obuhvatajući širok spektar tema i formata, festival podstiče dinamičan i višeslojan pristup ženskom autorstvu, dijalog na temu rodne ravnopravnosti, i unapređuje vještine i vidljivost umjetnica i umjetnika.

FAR stvara prostor i prilike za povezivanje i saradnju unutar regionalnih i međunarodnih umjetničkih zajednica. Programske aktivnosti festivala uključuju projekcije filmova, pozorišne predstave, koncerte i izložbe.

Ključni dio festivala je edukativni segment posvećen mladim talentima. Kroz master klas sesije, radionice, diskusije i mentorske programe, mladi talenti će imati priliku da se povežu s gostima festivala—međunarodno priznatim kolegicama i kolegama koje/i su kroz svoje umjetničko stvaralaštvo i rad adresirali pitanja rodne ravnopravnosti i istakli ulogu žena u društvu.

Festival Female Art Rising promoviše rad mladih talenata iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine prikazujući njihove radove ali i ujedno odaje priznanja onima koje su doprinijele razvoju i obogaćivanju bosanskohercegovačke umjetničke zajednice i promociji naše države širom svijeta.

Female Art Rising is an international art festival established by the Association Kontakt with the goal of creating an empowering platform that elevates the work of female artists. By encompassing a wide range of topics and formats, the festival encourages a dynamic and multifaceted approach to promoting female artistry, fostering dialogue on gender issues, and enhancing the skills and visibility of artists of all genders.

FAR creates space and opportunities for connection and collaboration within regional and international art communities. The festival’s program activities include film screenings, theater performances, concerts, and exhibitions.

A key part of the festival is the educational segment dedicated to young talents. Through master class sessions, workshops, discussions, and mentoring programs, young talents will have the opportunity to engage with festival guests—internationally established colleagues who, through their artistic creation and work, have addressed issues of gender equality and highlighted the role of women in society.

The Female Art Rising festival promotes the work of young talents from across Bosnia and Herzegovina by showcasing their works and recognizing those who have contributed to the development and enrichment of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian art community as well as to the promotion of our country worldwide.

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